The tactile gallery of the Typhlological Museum is not a special exhibition space. It actually represents the idea of an exhibition activity within which blind people, but also all other categories of people with disabilities, have the opportunity to become equal visitors and participants in exhibition spaces. The term “tactile”, simplified, infers enabling the experience of a work of art with fingers, palms and hands. The exhibition Tangibility of Form by young sculptor Gabriela Butković with 8 exhibited sculptures from the cycle "Shadow" fits into the concept of the Tactile Gallery in the most direct way. Not only by name, but also by the way of creating individual works on which sheets of paper with printed letters in Braille were laminated.
Of special interest is the (non)connection between the names of the sculptures and the name of the exhibition. Shadow versus Tangibility. Shadow opposite Form. For a shadow is a surface touched by no ray of light. The author gives the name of something intangible to her sculptures, inviting you to feel the spaciousness of that intangible, created by her imagination.
Allow yourself, therefore, to feel your experience, not your vision. Expose with your fingers parts of the form that may be invisible to the eye.
And therefore, Si fueris Romae, Romano vivito more *. You are at the Typhlological Museum, look with your fingers.
Igor Maroević
* When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Photo: R. Vukić